Top Trends for Future-Proofing Your Senior Living Portfolio

The small stuff that makes a BIG difference

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For large operators with portfolios that stretch across the country, future-proofing key areas of operations at scale is a major challenge. In care delivery, billing and payroll, and more, operators need ways to reduce the workload of their already stretched-thin staff.

And the key to success? Re-evaluate the work your teams do and where they do it. Determine what work is best handled at headquarters vs. what is best in the field, and adjust accordingly. This white paper explores the pressing challenges of today’s senior living operations and offers four steps for future-proofing operations portfolio-wide:

  • Listen to your community leaders
  • Re-prioritize employee workload and centralize tasks at headquarters
  • Safeguard institutional knowledge
  • Pass the benefits on to your communities

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Vantage Data Centers
Jonathan Walker
Senior Director, Finance
“After implementing two or three ‘AI’ tools, PredictAP has been the most effective right after implementation … without taking a few months to ramp up.”
BrightSpire Capital
Benjamin Miga
VP of Finance
“The time savings was apparent immediately, and I could not have anticipated how much the team would love PredictAP.”
Bridge Investment Group
Katie Elsnab
"PredictAP helps us capture and preserve the ‘tribal knowledge’ around invoice coding, so it's living in our systems instead of someone's memory.”
Related Group
Marcos Marti
VP of Technology
“I was skeptical—I thought the technology isn't there yet for our line of business. The fact that it's actually learning is astonishing and great and wonderful. ”
Block Real Estate Services LLC
Kimberly Mann

About PredictAP

PredictAP is the leading AI-powered invoice coding solution designed specifically for real estate. Unlike OCR and indexing services, PredictAP provides fully coded invoices, ready to flow through existing AP automation workflows. When paired with industry-leading AP automation solutions, such as Yardi Payscan and Nexus Systems, PredictAP delivers massive cost savings and productivity growth.

Founded in 2020 by a team of real estate, accounting tech, and artificial intelligence industry alumni, PredictAP is based in Boston, Massachusetts.